Did the lord take the thunder from the skies, and put it in your thighs?

You're place or mine? Both, you go to yours and I go to mine.

-Baby, do you know karate? Your body is kickin'! -I do actually. Would your crotch like a demonstration?

-I better drive you home, miss. Because you're a woman and you can't drive. Get it?

Six simple words: I'm not gay, but I'll learn.

Baby, I love every muscle in your body... Especially mine.

You look... clean

At bar Man: Uh... um... wanna come home see my star wars board games collection? Woman: SURE! Man: *Heart attack*

Hey, we have coresponding genetailia, we should converge in sexual intercourse.

Walking to your car alone later?

- You must be a parking ticket cause you have fine written all over you - You must be a wellfare check then.

I have no gag reflex.

Is Heaven missing an Angel? Because I have an erection.

That shirt looks very becoming on you, but if I were on you, I'd be coming too.

Don't worry, I love fat birds....why are you crying?

My penis just died. Can I bury it in your ass?

Man: Do you sleep on your stomach? Woman: No... Man: Can I?

if you were my sister i'd totally get with you.

Hey baby me you CHOIN CHOIN under the moonlight..

-I can see forever in your eyes. -But all I can see is never in yours.

Damn, girl, you're hot... You look just like my mom.

"Don't scream"

If we were confronted, by a vicious man-eating bear with chain-saws for hands and fangs, holding a hammer; than I would sincerley hope you wouldn't be harmed because you're pretty.

"Hey baby, how do you like your eggs in the morning?" "Unfertilized."

Anti-Pickup Line

A collection of responses to pickup lines, and just bad ones in general!

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The Anti Joke Book

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