Why don't you slip into something more comfortable? Like a coma?

-Do you come here often? -Yeah, but now that you're here, I think I'll find another bar.

I understand why you not married!, you snort and farting all night, bye

Will you marry me? WHO ARE YOU?

With the escalating price of rohypnol, most girls aren't worth my attention.

Man at bar: Hey girls... want my banana in your pajamas? ;) ;) ;) Girls: YEAH! Man: "thinks for himself..."... man I never get this reaction from girls.. you are a bunch of skanks and sluts... (leaves the bar) In the end, we are never happy with what we get are we? yeah... this is kinda the moral of this story... (Ps: My banana in your pajamas... I got a girlfriend, but someday Im gonna try that pick up line... hahahaha

boy: hey wanna hang out some time?! girl: O MY GOD! r u hannah montanna?!

Hey bitch wanna fuck! SURE! Nah you too sleasy. Moral: And the masters of the universe.

Get your coat, I've got a knife.

Ever kissed a bunny inbetween the ears? Nope. I'm allergic to them.

Man... MAN! Sorry if I just skimmed that last message dude, but if you getting me that shit, you are my fucking God, you got a new custom engine or something? Whatever man, im getting over there right now, Son, I might actually try the towing trick, because that might make me arrive at your place (no worries wont tell anyone where your playboy mansion is at) but you still got it there right? MORAL MORAL MORAL MORAL... Oh and no, id never ever use that piece of shit I used to call a car in the forest, if you are serious man, ill take the damn cab! I mean man, I just cant wait to tell the beardy little faggot at the carshop to stick that yeah "car" up his gay ass! Seriously dude, my phone aint working but that can wait, you really mean I can have the car? Seriously, how much? I got some money.

Muslim guy: "Hey can I get your number?" Chick:"Nine eleven"

-Does beauty run in your family? -It obviously doesn't in yours!

"Can I buy you a drink or do I have to have sex with you first?"

Roses are red violets are blue i got a gun get in the van!

Are you water? Because you are very shallow. Now GTFO.

Male: Hey do you wanna come back to my place? Female: Yeah sure, ill just go grab my gag and handcuffs. Male: ...

I'd take you to the zoo but you might be mistaken for an elephant

whats up ho

NO WAIT SON ITS 999 FUCK COME ON! DONT GO "NERO SAYS WITH ME SON!" I mean that shit you pull on everyone, come on man, I posted wrong... Yeah your word is law and all that So can we like make a deal? You pay my repair wreck of a car and you can slash the damn tires yourself if you wanna later?

If we were confronted, by a vicious man-eating bear with chain-saws for hands and fangs, holding a hammer; than I would sincerley hope you wouldn't be harmed because you're pretty.

I heard that Oxygen and Magnesium were going out and I was like O Mg.

" Grab your coat love ...it's cold in my basement"

Male: Haven't I seen you someplace before? Female: Yeah, that's why I don't go there anymore

Anti-Pickup Line

A collection of responses to pickup lines, and just bad ones in general!

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